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Saitama Target Setting Emissions Trading System

Saitama Prefecture’s ETS was launched in April 2011. It covers around 20% of the prefecture’s 2019 emissions.

Saitama’s system covers about 600 entities in the industrial and commercial building sectors. The cap is determined bottom up based on facility-level baselines. These baselines are calculated using base-year emissions and a compliance factor, which is set for each period based on regulations established by the Governor of Saitama and expert consultation. Regulated entities must reduce emissions below a facility-specific baseline. The baseline depends on factors such as expected energy efficiency gains and the extent to which they consume energy supplied by other facilities. Credits are issued to facilities where emissions fall below the baseline.

The ETS was instituted as part of the “Saitama Prefecture Global Warming Strategy Promotion Ordinance”, with the aim of eventually establishing a common system with other prefectures in the metropolitan area. Saitama’s ETS is linked to Tokyo’s Cap-and-Trade Program, with credits mutually exchangeable between the two jurisdictions.

The scheme covers the following sectors: Buildings and Industry.

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Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program

The Cap-and-Trade Program of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) was launched in April 2010 and is Japan’s first mandatory ETS. It covers around 20% of the metropolitan area’s emissions.

The Tokyo ETS covers CO2 emissions from large buildings, factories, heat suppliers, and other facilities that consume large quantities of fossil fuels. The cap is aggregated bottom-up from facility-level baselines. Regulated entities must reduce emissions below a facility-specific baseline, with credits issued to those where emissions fall below their baseline. Facility-level targets are determined based on the type of facility and factors such as expected energy efficiency gains and the extent to which they consume energy supplied by other facilities.

Tokyo’s ETS is linked to the Saitama Prefecture ETS, with credits mutually exchangeable between the two jurisdictions.

The scheme covers the following sectors: Buildings and Industry

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